Thursday 21 February 2008

I Swear it Happened Again! OR- How My Brain Works on a WHOLE Other Level

click on the image to see it....

I swear this is what i heard him say....."KOALA HOMES" happened again and i could not get back to sleep.I called my friend and she and i discussed what the koalas would be doing with Alan's old hair elastics and what a kind soul/philanthropist Alan was to donate his stuff to the 'Koala Homes'

I must add at this point that we were imagining koalas in their little homes or some sort of care facility run by koalas for koalas.....

xox eve xox


ChrisB said...

You are funny :)

kitten said...

LOL! Too funny!

Sandy said...

Do not, I repeat, do not get your hearing checked! I love these.

I just hopped over from your daughter's where I had hopped over from ChrisB's.

Terrific posts!

Koala homes and monkey ballet!

theotherbear said...

Eve? You're quite an original, aren't you. :)

Anonymous said...

hee hee - it always amazes me how our brains think so early in the morning!

Secret Squirrel said...

the best thing is that with me it happens at any hour of the day...hooray