Tuesday 31 March 2009

I Spelt Caffeine the Wrong Way....

Create your own Animation

Weasel was right.

This WAS fun.

xox eve xox

Copyright © E Jennings 2008.


the bulldog formerly known as bulldog. said...

It got me in a lot of trouble with "her indoors". There is nothing funny about writting a newspaper story about someone having a fat arse, (even if they dont), I blame weasel.

kinta said...

There is one thing i definately do miss about chris...is that when im still unshowered and smelling funky, he can just put on some clothes and go and get us both a coffee *sigh* come back so we can go have a coffee!

One Fine Weasel said...

caffeine! sorry. it's my inner editor. and sorry to you too bulldog for leading you astray so brutally, although in media law today we learnt that defamation charges may be defended if the allegations are a)true or b)in the public interest, so see how you go with that for future editions. (nb saying 'allegedly' will not hold up in a court of law, allegedly).

the bulldog formerly known as bulldog. said...

in frau bulldog law today I learnt its far easier to blame the antipodean chick and get off with a smack across the ear.

Secret Squirrel said...

Yeah, just blame it on me...everyone else does.

B said...

Eve, I need you editing my Bitchionary, Please agree to help (for the love of overneath)

email me bfrolicious@gmail.com and i'll add you


ps. I love my fridge message x